The House of the Dead 2 Tips and Tricks
This is a strategy that will show you a few things about HOTD2 like maximum point techniques, useful cheats, item points, and more. Note that this is NOT a strategy to get through the game, the game really isn't that hard to simply finish so it isn't neccesary.

Item point key:

In order to get more points (and see the good ending) you must get the extra poit items scattered throughout the game. They aren't hard to find, most are simply hidden in objects such as barrels or crates. The best strategy is to gun away at anything...if it can be destroyed then shoot it. It's that easy.

  • Medallion (coin): 100 points
  • Necklace: 400 points
  • Mushroom: 500 points
  • Diamond: 600 points
  • Golden Cat: 800 points
  • Golden Frog: 1,000 points

Maximum points:

Ok, for this technique to work you will need either a second controller or a second light gun. Once you have both controllers or light gun(s) in, start original mode. Now have player one choose the machine gun  or the double score (if available) and have player two choose an infinite credit (also, if available). Now start the game but don't ever let 2P do anything...the reason for playing with 2P is because alot more enemies show up in 2P mode...and the second player can act as a dummy and take some hits for you. Throughout the game you will want to try and do a number of things.  First, always aim for a zombies head, after you complete a kill with a head shot rapidly fire at the zombies falling body before it's out of view. The extra shots will count toward your point count regardless if the zombie is already (re)dead. Second, shoot all barrels, crates, chandaliers, garbage cans, anything that can be destroyed. Doing this will reveal those crucial extra point items. Third, try to save all hostages. If you do this a room will become available right before Emperor that reveals a small fortune in extra point items. Fourth, try not to get hit as much as possible, getting hit takes away your life AND a portion of your score. Fifth, take certain routes that have more enemies, the more the enemies the more the points.

There, if you follow that advice (along with this next trick) you will rack up at least over 100,000 points. My best score is 196,680. Almost 200,000!!!  

Three items in 2P:

Ok, this is another trick that will work to get you more points (and a DM exclusive cheat). Follow the instruction from the previous trick until you get to the original mode item menus. Now choose two item ONLY as one player (meaning don't activate 2P yet). Now start the game and as soon as you see the beginning cinema play activate 2P. You will have three items! the first item will only go to player one but the second item will work for both players. Try a combonation of the machine gun and double score with this trick, it will work wonders on your score.  

More to come...