Graphics- Pretty good for a
VMU game. The action is pretty
fast and smooth. Everything is
well defined and looks great. One
grip though is that you (the
running back) are a football. Its
weird, but oh well.
Gameplay- One word: SLOW.
You hit the left direction and a
second later, you move left. This
may not sound like much, but you
notice it instantly. The gameplay
takes a while to get used to, but
you'll eventually get the hang of
A.I.- The AI in this
game is pretty good. Yes, the
game is simple, but the computer
puts up a challange. Suprisingly
good for a VMU game.
Ingenuity- Its football, its
simple, it ain't very good
either. There is nothing new or
Fun- Its
fustrating when you push the
button and it doesn't respond. It
is still kinda fun, but the
gameplay is just sooo bad, it is
really hard to enjoy it.