Visual Memory Unit
I have taken my time to write this article on my thoughts about the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit.

When I first heard about the VMU, I was amazed of how it was a memory card as well as something to play games on that you download from the internet or from a DC game. About one week ago, I bought a VMU. I used it on Sonic Adventure and couldn't help but to look at the screen to see what my chao was doing. After figuring out how to download Chao Adventure, I started a new game and was amazed. Soon after, I realized that this isn't your regular memory card.

The VMU is excellent, but there is only one problem. If you take your VMU around alot, it is easy to lose it or misplace the the top of it. This could be a major problem because if you lose it, you will probaly have to buy another one. The best thing to do is keep it in your controller or in a very safe place.

Besides that, I really do like the Dreamcast's VMU. I think it was a good idea to make it and can be used in many ways.
